A bit more about Ken

Ken served as a State Representative in the legislature of Oklahoma from 2012 -2016. While in office Ken authored and co-authored many pieces of important legislation including workers comp reform, repealing common core, protecting the financial information of seniors, keeping police dash cams open to public records, and causes important to veterans and Christians.
Before that, at the age of 17, Ken joined the Army and became an Airborne Paratrooper. He had the privilege of being stationed in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina with the 3rd Special Forces group where he was an interrogator, intelligence analyst, and French and Spanish linguist. With the Special Forces group, he went to war in Operation Desert Storm.
After the military Ken followed his culinary dreams and graduated valedictorian of the Baltimore International Culinary College. He turned down an offer from a 3-star rated Michelin restaurant in France to take a year and walk across the United States starting in Maryland (his then home) and ending in California.
In 2002, Ken moved to the Tulsa area. While living in Tulsa, Ken earned degrees from Rhema Bible College and Oral Roberts University. In 2003 he started his own business “The Shepherd’s Guide Christian Yellow Pages” giving Christians the opportunity to do business with fellow Christians.
Currently he serves as Director of IAM Gatekeepers for International Accelerated Missions (IAM) Berne, NY, a worldwide ministry with missionaries and Bible schools around the world. Along with his wife Sharon, the Overseer and Vice President of IAM, he has started Return to Covenant – a ministry under IAM - to call the nation and its people back to covenant with God and with each other.
A bit more about Sharon

Sharon has served with International Accelerated Missions (IAM) since its inception in 1992. With a passion for the Lord and for seeing the Body of Christ functioning in this vital hour, she spent several years on the mission field establishing and directing IAM Bible Schools and teaching in Jamaica and Russia.
During those initial years, she was instrumental in writing and compiling what is now the IAM Discipleship and Bible School curriculum, which has been used in numerous nations resulting in regional transformation as local Christian leaders join together to train believers in Biblical values and release them into their personal callings. In 1996, she established and Director of the IAM International School of Missions, a full-time 18 week ministry training program. Students from across the United States and 12 nations and were launched into further ministry through this leadership intensive training,
Sharon became the IAM Overseer in early 2002 and the Vice-President in 2004. The ministry of International Accelerated Missions has worldwide impact and equip laborers for the harvest. She has ministered in over 20 nations strengthening IAM laborers near and far. www.iamoutreach.org.
Sharon has been an apostolic leader in governmental intercession for the Capital Region and New York State since 2012, She initiated and led a strategic intercessory group, IAM Awakening Intercessors, focused on forerunning prayer for awakening, For 3 years, beginning in 2018, she served as the NYS Coordinator for Awaken the Dawn (50 hour tent worship gatherings simultaneously held across the nation). As the Capital Region representative on the 13 Colony Council for NYS, she served with teams on numerous stealth prayer assignments concerning land issues. In addition, Sharon served on the leadership team of the New York State Apostolic Prayer Network (weekly focused prayer and Capitol assignments), These associations have also led to partaking in numerous national initiatives.
She is ordained with the IAM Ministers Fellowship. Along with her husband Ken, she is spearheading Return to Covenant, – a ministry under IAM with the vision of "Transforming Lives, Transforming Lands."