As we begin our journey across America, let's journey together. What will we
be sharing? Read below and come along with us ... as we drive, write, and post.
We are excited to enter this journey with you!

Welcome to our blog post.
Return to Covenant is a ministry with a mandate. Our focus to avail ourselves to the
Lord is to share the call to the nation and individuals to return or, as needed, turn to
the Covenant of the Lord and to each other. Yet, as we prepare and soon begin the RETURN TO COVENANT AMERICA TOUR, we know there will be many aspects that we look forward to sharing with you along the way.
Our blogs will reflect various parts of the ministry, the Capitol visits, our messages, divine appointments, our adventures, and maybe more. Read all, or select categories.
The map is drawn with lines from state to state in preparation for this 7 circle stage trip. Over the 6 months as we travel and visit capitol to capitol, state to state we will share:
Capitol Visits
We know the Lord will uniquely direct our steps at each State Capitol. We know that He will open doors and connect us with key people, some of who we are already in contact. And in some places, we will solely be on assignment. Yet be in prayer with us. It is our intent after each state visit to write and/video a summary of what transpired, in general who joined us, prophetic declarations, significant directions from the Lord, and truly we are expectant that ...
He will lead us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Psalm 23:3b
Messages on Covenant
The Lord has truly been highlighting to us much about covenant. Ken especially has been receiving many verses and messages on the foundation of the Blood Covenant, the Covenant of Love, the Angel of Covenant, and more. Our morning devotions are rich with insight. Sharing during several meetings at church, Ken has also unpacked nuggets of God's Covenant and who we are in Him, who is the faithful initiator and main keeper of His Word. You will be blessed as these writings come forth. Sharon will also share a variety of devotional reflections as well.
As the journey unfolds
Simply put... as divine appointments and adventures unfold we will surely share. Who knows what all will be forthcoming? God knows! Interesting people, hidden places, perhaps some unique historical spots or even what a city's food of fame might be.
Stay tuned !
We've just begun.
Keep posted as we post!
Acknowledgement of covenant opens usA to receive the breadth, the length, the depth and the height of His love and so much more Eph 3:18. May the mission of your hearts be commissioned to expand the Kingdom of God/Yehovah on earth into the land and the rocks (granite buildings) where justice and righteousness may emanate influence into our citizens and turn laws/ordinances from the goodness of God unto "we the people" that His Word may prosper in us and through us, around us and for us to the ends of the earth. Glory Hallelujah! Prepare the stopped wells of this nation that we the people may also be recommissioned as kings and priests to assist the overcoming of evil with…
Barry & Toni